Shrink the Numbers. Stop the Spread.

Find out if you qualify for our pneumococcal clinical trial

This is a paid volunteer study

Age Range
18 to 64 years old

Fort Worth, Texas

Volunteers must be

At high risk for pneumococcal disease with diabetes, asthma, COPD, chronic heart disease, chronic liver disease or other conditions


$200.00 per completed visit and $75.00 for each scheduled telephone visit.

Welcome to Help My Lungs

Do you have diabetes, asthma, COPD, Chronic Heart, Chronic Liver Disease or other health conditions? These conditions and others increase the risk of getting pneumococcal disease.

Join a paid volunteer study by calling 817-893-6190 or clicking the button below to see if you qualify.

About this study

This trial is testing an investigational medicine in adults 18 to 64 years old who are at increased risk of getting pneumococcal disease that helps the body fight infections.

This illness is caused by certain germs that cause serious infections in the ears, nose, lungs, blood, or brain.

This trial will compare the investigational medicine to VAXNEUVANCE™ and PNEUMOVAX™

Both drugs are approved vaccines for preventing pneumococcal disease in the US.

This trial is being done to:

  • Test the safety V116
  • See how well the trial vaccines work and how the body responds to them

The information we learn from this study may help make a difference. By choosing to volunteer you will represent people like you, from communities like yours. We want to empower volunteers from all backgrounds, populations, genders, races, and ethnicities to have a say in the future of health options.

Is there a cost to participating?

Insurance is not required. All trial vaccines and trial-related tests will be provided at no cost.

What should I expect during the study?

Our well trained and qualified clinical team will administer the trial vaccine and watch you for at least 30 minutes after.

You may also be asked to:

  • Discuss your health history and how you are feeling
  • Give information about your race and ethnicity
  • Discuss your past and current medications and vaccines
  • Have a physical exam
  • Give blood samples
  • Provide a urine sample for pregnancy test(s) if you are able to have a baby. The trial doctor and trial staff will discuss this with you.
  • Answer questions about your health and any side effects you may have experienced after getting a trial shot
Trial Application
man wearing a green hat

You will also learn how to use a secure application (the “trial App”) on a mobile device to report information about your health (body temperature, medicines you are taking, any side effects you notice) during the trial.

The trial staff can give you a device to use during the trial, or you can choose to use your own device. If the trial staff gives you a device, you will need to return it at your last trial site visit.

During trial visits and calls, the trial doctor or trial staff may talk with you about the information you entered in the trial App.